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Take a Break With Our Free Elf on the Shelf Quarantine Printable

The number of nights you choose for your Elf to be in quarantine is completely up to you!

By Christen Reiner, publisher of Macaroni KID Lakewood-Littleton & Macaroni KID Denver December 12, 2021

If you have an Elf on the Shelf at your house, you know what a challenge it can be to keep up with the nightly shenanigans. Now that our kids are familiar with the word quarantine, we can use it to take a little break from our Elf duties.

So give yourself a break with our fun and FREE way to announce your Elf's quarantine, and it comes straight from the North Pole:

The number of nights you choose for your Elf to be in quarantine is completely up to you!

Put your elf in quarantine!

  1. Print your FREE Official Quarantine Notice.
  2. Fill in the blanks with your Elf's name and the date they must quarantine. 
  3. Place the completed Official Quarantine Notice next to your Elf in the location where you would like them to stay for the duration.
  4. DO NOT MOVE your Elf until the quarantine is complete!
  5. After the quarantine ends, you can go back to moving your Elf daily until they return to the North Pole on December 24th.

This Elf on the Shelf was in quarantine for a week!

Bonus ideas for extra fun:

You can absolutely put your Elf in quarantine just by placing them in a safe spot, and that is 100% okay! However, if you want to add in some extra fun, try these bonus ideas:

  • Create a quarantine "room" out of a mason jar or other see-through container. You can find some inexpensive ones at your local craft stores. Decorate with stickers and ribbon.
  • Make a tiny face mask for your Elf to wear during quarantine. Use a disposable paper one that can be cut apart and refashioned in the mini version.
  • Set your Elf up with a thermometer or tissues for their quarantine. Or, choose items that your kids associate with being sick... ginger ale would be my go to!
  • Put your Elf to bed for quarantine! A doll bed or a box covered in wash cloths or tissues works great.
  • Place your Elf in the lap of one of your child's stuffed animals for quarantine. What could be more comforting?

Christen Reiner is the Colorado publisher of Macaroni KID Lakewood-Littleton & Macaroni KID Denver.